English 101: Mindful Writing
A first-year writing course that emphasizes a mindful practice of writing. Students perform exercises in thinking, reading, and composition designed to help them become aware of the mental movements of writing and the environmental factors that shape our communication.
English 102: Communities of Practice
A research-based first-year writing course in which students use both field work and traditional research to investigate, describe, and analyze the communication practices of a group that interests them.
English 203: World Literature
A genre-focused introduction to world literature that acquaints students with major developments in the literary arts, hones their skills of analysis, and provides a basic framework for literary interpretation.
English 333: Technical Writing
A course designed to help students become better readers, researchers, and communicators in professional settings. The major projects of this course familiarize students with the audiences and types of documents they are likely to use as they advance in their professional careers.
English 222/322/422: Poetry Workshop
This combined undergraduate poetry workshop takes the concept of home as its theme and helps students begin to construct a “home” for themselves within the world of poetry. We familiarize ourselves with the basic forms and functions of poetry and develop a level of comfort working in multiple poetic modes.